Saturday, 8 August 2020



1. Why do we feel thirsty?

A feeling of thirst occurs when water loss is equal to 1 percent of our body weight. It's the brain signals you are thirsty.
The loss of more than 5 percent of water can cause fainting, and more than 10 percent can cause death from dehydration.

2.Surface area of lungs.

Total surface area of lungs may vary from 50 to 75 square metre, which is equal to the surface area of tennis court.

3.Fastest way to loose to calorie.

 Banging your head against the wall makes you lose the maximum number calories - no less than 150 calorie! But don't try this at home...

4. Strongest muscle in our body.

If you define strength as the ability to exert most pressure, then the strongest muscle in our body is the "masseter muscle". It is thick cheek muscle near the back of your jaw that opens and closes your mouth when you chew.

5.How long can human hair grow?

Human hair grows at a speed of 1/2 inch per month - strangely it grows fast during summer when you are asleep. If allowed to grow for their whole lifetime, the length of a person's hair would be about 725 kilometres.

6. Largest cell in body. 

The largest cell in the human body is the female egg and the smallest cell is the male sperm. From head to tail, human sperm cells measures about 50 micrometres (0.05 millimetre or roughly 0.002 inches).
A human egg is about 30 times bigger - large enough to be seen with naked eye.

7. How do we remember what we dream?

Human sleep occurs in several cycles during the night, each cycle consisting of 5 stages of sleep. The first 4 stages of sleep are of varying depth ranging from light sleep to deep sleep. All these stages put together referred to as non-REM sleep. The last stage of sleep is paradoxial in the sense that there is an increased activity of the brain, and is associated with roving eye movement hence called REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. Dreams typically occur during REM sleep.

8. New born baby can swallow and breathe at the same time.

Known as suck-swallow-breathe, this is a skill that may take time to learn for some babies. At birth, the epiglottis and soft palate touch during quite respiration with the mouth closed. During breastfeeding, the larynx elevates which allows the epiglottis to interlock with the soft palate. this allows the newborn to breathe and swallow at the same time - something the adult human cannot do.

9. How many cells die every second in the human body?

Cells are always created and destroyed in the human body. About 300 million cells die every minute in our body. To be precise 50,000 cells in your body died and replaced by new ones while you were reading this sentence.

Saturday, 1 August 2020



 "You all have heard of humans went to outer space and orbited Earth in satellites. In this blog you will come to know about animals who also have orbited our Earth in outer space. You will be amazed to know about these animal in this blog".

                                                                                                                                                                    Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin made the historic first orbit around earth in 1961. He was a Soviet Air Forces pilot and cosmonaut who became the first human to journey into outer space, achieving a major milestone in the space race. But believe me or not animals had already visited space before Yuri Gagarin. Animals were sent because they were used to collect medical data and test the spacecraft's durability before sending manned mission.Once the survivability of the spaceflights was confirmed, humans began to travel where previously only animals had been. Sixty years ago scientists launched the first living creature on orbit. On November 3, 1957, the Soviet Union lofted a dog named "LAIKA" abroad the satellite Sputnik 2. Although Laika's died, merely days after it landed in space, which is still a mystery. Soviet say it was the real hero. In this blog you will come to know about different animal species sent to space which helped astronauts to conduct many experiments.


Animals were sent to outer space to make sure that human astronauts could survive in space or no. One other reason is that astronauts want to know that how body reacts in microgravity.


Fruit Fly
The first animals in outer space were "fruit flies" launched in a captured Nazi V2 rocket on Feb 20,1947. The flies reached an altitude of 68 miles(108km) and were recovered alive by a parachute. 

A "mouse" launched on August 15,1950, reached an altitude of 85 miles(137km) but died when the rocket disintegrated due to parachute failure.Several other mice were sent  to space during that year.

    "Albert II" became the first "monkey" in space on June 4, 1949.It reached an altitude of 83 miles(134 km), but died on impact when parachute failed. A previous monkey Albert I, died when the V2 rocket failed before reaching peak altitude.Two other monkeys, Albert III and IV, also died when their rockets failed.     
A total of 32 monkeys have flown in space, including rhesus macaues, cynomolgus monkeys, squirrel monkeys and pig-tailed monkeys. Chimpanzees have also flown.
Albert II
Albert II

 In 1950's the Soviet Union launched a total of 12 dogs on various   suborbital flights. STRAY DOGS were used since they were   thought to be capable of handling extreme cold.

 LAIKA became the first living being to orbit the Earth on Sputnik   2,Nov 3, 1957. It died several hours into the flight due to stress and heat.

Able and Baker

On May 28,1959, rhesus monkey Able and squirrel monkey Baker became the first successfully return to the Earth after the space flight. The monkeys survived 32 times the pull of Earth's gravity and were weightless for 9 minutes in their 16- minutes flight.   


  July 2, 1959: A Soviet launch carried two dogs and first rabbit into the space.

Belka and Strelka


The Soviet Sputnik 5 (Aug 19, 1960) was the first to return animals alive from orbit. The passengers were the dogs Belka and Strelka, plus a two grey rabbit, 42 mice, two rats and fruit flies.

On Jan 31,1961, Ham the chimpanzee flew a Mercury capsule on a sub-orbital trajectory, three month before Alan Shepard's flight. Enos became the first chimp to orbit a Mercury spacecraft on Nov 29, 1961. Both chimps survived their flights. 




The French launched the first cat into the space on October 18, 1963. Felicette had electrodes implanted in its skin to transmit its condition. It reached the altitude of 100 miles (162 km) and landed safely.


  CHINA launched mice, rats and dogs between 1964       and 1966. In 1968, the Soviet Zond 5 became the first   spacecraft to circle the moon, carrying a payload of   two Russian Tortoises, wine flies, wasps, plants, seeds   and bacteria. Zond 6 flew a similar trajectory later that   year, but the biological specimens were destroyed by a   malfunction on the return trip.

Veterok and Ugolyok 

  Russian space-dogs Veterok and Ugolyok orbited a record 22 days before landing safely on March         16,  1966. their record for longest space flight by dogs still stands.


In late 1960's, NASA launched a series of biosatellites carrying insects, frog eggs and plants. the third and final biosattelite carried a pig-tailed monkey.

  • Spider

  • Ever since they visited space; spiders have been in the limelight because they are the only species that could adapt to the interstellar gravity. Two arachnids, called Gladys and Esmeralda by astronaut Cady Coleman, have managed to survive 60 days in space.
  • The spiders were a part of the scientific investigation called Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus Science Insert-05, or CSI-05. The study involved two spiders in separate habitats on the station, which controls imaging of arachnid's activities.

  After human landed on the moon in 1969, animals in space no longer made the headlines, but spacecraft still carried biological payloads, including rabbits, turtles, insects, spiders, fish jellyfish, amoeba, and algae. In 1973, two female Europian garden Spiders named Arabella and Anita spun webs around the NASA Space station Skylab for 59 days. Biological payloads have also flown on NASA's space shuttle and space stations of both Russia and America.


SOME  UNBELIEVABLE FACTS ABOUT  HUMAN BODY 1. Why do we feel thirsty?   A feeling of thirst occurs when water loss is equal to 1 percent of...