Most Beautiful Bank Notes In The World
" Tired of seeing the look, size and colour of notes of your country? Then take a look at some haute currency running for the best bank notes in the world........."
The Swiss are embarking on a series featuring "the many facets of Switzerland". Faces are out; objects, places, and characteristics are in. This one depicts wind.
Australia's note displays a novel top-to-bottom window feature, which is as much about anti-counterfeiting as aesthetics. Rounding it out, the Queen of England shares top billing with the eastern spinebill and examples of the "Prickly Moses" wattle, a type of a tree.
The Bank of England's first polymer note entered circulation in September. Bank Governor Mark Carney took one to a food market to dip in a vat of curry, demonstrating it was waterproof.
Scotland mints bills are accepted widely across the UK. After a series of polls, the country chose the theme 'the fabric of nature' for its new
On the front is Queen Tamar, who ruled the country from 1184 to 1213, a period known as the 'Georgian Golden Age'. The note has a holographic stripe and a magenta-to-green security thread.
Its theme is the beauty in our surrounding. the primary side depicts a whale shark, with an underprint that gives shading to its skin; on the obverse is a green turtle.